Decimal Repeating as a Fraction Calculator

Welcome to the Decimal Repeating as a Fraction Calculator. Here you can enter a decimal number where the numbers after the decimal point are repeating. We will then convert the repeating decimal number into a fraction.

Please enter your repeating decimal number below to get started:

Here are some examples of what our Decimal Repeating as a Fraction Calculator can explain and calculate for you:

1.21 repeating as a fraction

0.8 repeating as a fraction

1.3 repeating as a fraction

0.2 repeating as a fraction

0.16 repeating as a fraction

1.6 repeating as a fraction

2.3 repeating as a fraction

0.83 repeating as a fraction

0.4 repeating as a fraction

1.25 repeating as a fraction

0.6 repeating as a fraction

4.135 repeating as a fraction

2.8 repeating as a fraction

3.83 repeating as a fraction

3.541 repeating as a fraction

0.15 repeating as a fraction

2.16 repeating as a fraction

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