What grade is 49 correct out of 73 possible?

To calculate the grade for 49 correct out of 73 possible, we first calculate what percent you got correct.

The formula to calculate percent correct is as follows:

(Correct/Possible) x 100

When we put 49 correct out of 73 possible into our formula, we get this:

(49/73) x 100 = 67.12%

Then we find the 67.12% using the table below to find your grade:

97% to ∞% = A+
93% to 96.99% = A
90% to 92.99% = A-
87% to 89.99% = B+
83% to 86.99% = B
80% to 82.99% = B-
77% to 79.99% = C+
73% to 76.99% = C
70% to 72.99% = C-
67% to 69.99% = D+
63% to 66.99% = D
60% to 62.99% = D-
00% to 59.99% = F

As you can see from the table above, your grade for getting 49 correct out of 73 possible is as follows:


Grade Calculator
Calculate another grade here.

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What grade is 49 correct out of 74 possible?
Here is another grade we calculated based on correct answers to possible answers.

Percentage to determine your grade is rounded to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

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