What grade is 3 correct out of 1 possible?

To calculate the grade for 3 correct out of 1 possible, we first calculate what percent you got correct.

The formula to calculate percent correct is as follows:

(Correct/Possible) x 100

When we put 3 correct out of 1 possible into our formula, we get this:

(3/1) x 100 = 300.00%

Then we find the 300.00% using the table below to find your grade:

97% to ∞% = A+
93% to 96.99% = A
90% to 92.99% = A-
87% to 89.99% = B+
83% to 86.99% = B
80% to 82.99% = B-
77% to 79.99% = C+
73% to 76.99% = C
70% to 72.99% = C-
67% to 69.99% = D+
63% to 66.99% = D
60% to 62.99% = D-
00% to 59.99% = F

As you can see from the table above, your grade for getting 3 correct out of 1 possible is as follows:


Grade Calculator
Calculate another grade here.

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Points Possible:

What grade is 3 correct out of 2 possible?
Here is another grade we calculated based on correct answers to possible answers.

Percentage to determine your grade is rounded to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

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