Welcome to our Cyclicity Calculator. It can display the Cyclicity of any number you enter.
The Cyclicity of any number is a sequence of 1 to 4 numbers. To find the Cyclicity of a number n, you calculate:
n1 n2 n3 n4 .....
Then you take the last digit from each of the answers above to create a sequence. You will see that the last digits repeat themselves. This sequence of numbers that repeats itself is called the Cyclicity of that number n.
Please enter a number below to calculate the cyclicity of that number:
Here are some examples of what our Cyclicity Calculator can calculate:
Cyclicity of 4
Cyclicity of 25
Cyclicity of 36
Cyclicity of 100
Cyclicity of 402
Are you trying to find the last digit of a large power? If so, this may be of interest:
How to find the last digit of a large exponent
Last Digit Calculator
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